Prime Products Introduces High-Tech, Custom-Designed Processing Center
Shipping with either USPS, FEDEX, or UPS, the new data-entry distribution center is designed to ensure that all inmate orders received from the Texas D.O.C. system will be:
- Monitored for consistent inventory supply, allowing for processing…filling…and mailing once a week
- Mailed via USPS, FEDEX or UPS
- Delivered to your facility within 10 business days following receipt of order and payment from family member
We look forward to serving you, providing outstanding reliability!
History of Prayer Rugs
Cleanliness is a requirement ot Islamic Prayer. Observant Muslims pray five times daily. Before doing so, certain rites must be performed, followed by praying atop a clean surface. A prayer rug ensures that the surface on which the believer kneels remains sufficiently clean.